Thursday, April 26, 2012


Một đêm ngẫu hứng. Trời khuya gió rét nhưng anh Túc vẫn chịu khó làm em vui. Cuộc sống này thiệt quá đỗi trống trãi khi không có những người bạn thật lòng. Sự cô đơn và vô vọng ngày ngày thấp thỏm chỉ đợi có cơ hội để ăn dần ăn mòn linh trí của mỗi người, niềm hi vọng ở mỗi người. nó vô hình nhưng tràn đầy sức mạnh. Nó vộ vị nhưng có thể biến mọi thứ có chạm đến trở nên khô cằn, rạn nứt, đau khổ. Sự cô đơn là thế. 

Tháng tư

Thursday, March 22, 2012


You are probably wondering where the name "WINTRY SUNSHINE" comes from. 
This photo shoot was done, as you can see in the photos, in a sunny day! Lovely sunshine, lovely day to do a photo shoot. But in deed, in Texas that day, the temperature was about 45F - 50F, which was incredibly cold for this south state! Therefore, Zi came up with the name "WINTRY SUNSHINE" to imply about a sunny day but freezing at the same time! This photo shoot features our lovely model Anna Piano (from "Reckless" and "Black and White") again!

Button up white t-shirt/ short black skirt with a belt/ texture tights/ summer hat/ puse and high heels/ 
Great look for your summer!

Don't forget to leave us your feedback in comment box below!
Thank you for following LYBREZIS and your support means so much to us.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


[Now] Joe and Michelle's favorite dating place is a Starbucks coffee shop near their university. Love is young, cute, and fun.

 [Then] Time flies, Joe and Michelle are now successful business man and woman. They still go to the intimate coffee shop and enjoy sunny weekends together. Love is mature, beautiful and peaceful. 

Will they continue walking together on their love path? Joe and Michelle, we wish your love last longer and stronger.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Dear all, today Lybrezis share with you the album called "NEED TO BE FOUND", mixture moments and expression of Tuc, the model. Life sometimes doesn't go right as we expected, but if we keep our heads straight and try, there is still chance. Live young everyone. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


When you reach 21, you are half excited, half panic. You're excited because you are legally independent: you decide your future, your career, your relationship, your everything. Wait! Don't you miss time when you court fondling from your mum, time when you do naughty with your friends? If you do, please lead your life young and free as much as you can before you have your little family to take care of.

Kelly, 21 years old, is an independent young lady who lives and works in NYC. Kelly is a very close friend of LYBREZIS, thus we know how "mischevious" but "mature" she is. Her sense of humor always makes us burst to laugh. But when we need advises on any aspect of life, she's a perfect counselor.

Dear all viewers, thank you for click on the link and looking at our works. LYBREZIS appreciate all of your loves a lot and always hope to be supported by you. Remember that LYBREZIS always take your comments serious, so please don't hesitate on leaving a concern, idea, or anything.
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