Tuesday, March 6, 2012


When you reach 21, you are half excited, half panic. You're excited because you are legally independent: you decide your future, your career, your relationship, your everything. Wait! Don't you miss time when you court fondling from your mum, time when you do naughty with your friends? If you do, please lead your life young and free as much as you can before you have your little family to take care of.

Kelly, 21 years old, is an independent young lady who lives and works in NYC. Kelly is a very close friend of LYBREZIS, thus we know how "mischevious" but "mature" she is. Her sense of humor always makes us burst to laugh. But when we need advises on any aspect of life, she's a perfect counselor.

Dear all viewers, thank you for click on the link and looking at our works. LYBREZIS appreciate all of your loves a lot and always hope to be supported by you. Remember that LYBREZIS always take your comments serious, so please don't hesitate on leaving a concern, idea, or anything.

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