Friday, February 24, 2012

The Doctors' Love

Tran and Ray have been together for more than two years. Ray is an alumni at SUNY-Binghamton, where he met Tran. Ray is currently going to a medical school in Bronx, NY. Despite his busy schedule and huge working loads, Ray always utilizes any of his free time to visit Tran. Tran is a senior in Bio. Their dreams are to become doctors, which explains the title of the album. 

It is LYBREZIS' honor to capture their loving moments. 
Please enjoy :) 

LYBREZIS - infinite beauty, infinite happiness 

Dear all viewers, thank you for click on the link and looking at our works. LYBREZIS appreciate all of your loves a lot and always hope to be supported by you. 
Remember that LYBREZIS always take your comments serious, so please don't hesitate on leaving a concern, idea or anything.


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